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Round about: Brain & Sleep
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About the Webinar
Insufficient sleep is a significant public health concern, weakening the immune system, increasing the risk of obesity, stress, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's, and other brain inflammatory disorders.
10 headlines for the workshop:
A close look at the sleep-wake cycle, the intricate mechanism that controls the circadian rhythm, the role of melatonin and the pineal gland.
How can we influence this with reflexology?
You will receive a Client Handout with advice based on the latest sleep research, including points on the feet and body as part of a sleep ritual.
Mental techniques are as effective as medication
Psychological sleep treatment typically involves combinations of various sleep therapy techniques, including sleep restriction, stimulus control therapy, cognitive techniques, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle advice on sleep.
The fascial system inside the brain is an integral part of the body wide fascia web.
We follow the connections from the brain, through the neck and throat, mediastinum and pericardium all the way to the respiratory diaphragm.
New anatomical discoveries of the glymphatic system in the brain and a fourth meningeal membrane sheds new ligth on how the brain stays fresh.
Especially during deep sleep there is a significant exchange of fluid, effectively "cleaning" the brain cells.
Using the Karl-Axel Lind method's large brain reflexes on the plantar foot, we demonstrate techniques to effectively stimulate fluid circulation and cleansing of the brain.
The brain-gut axis and its significance for mental imbalances, sleep, and brain disorders.
Do microbes in our gut affect how we sleep?
Dorthe Krogsgaard & Peter Lund Frandsen
Ryesgade 27
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Tel: (+45) 2575 7047
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