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Round about: Fascia
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About the Webinar
Interest and research in the field of fascia and connective tissue has sprouted over the past decades, and we find it is time to integrate our understanding of fascia into reflexology.
Like a tree relies on the fungal network interacting with its roots, our tissues and cells rely on the fascial web that permeates every part of the body and provides structure, support, communication, and perhaps much more.
Tension and energetic blockages anywhere in the body is transmitted along the fascial planes, and wherever fascia meets a surface a holographic image of the internal state of the tissues is built. This, we belive, is one of the explanations for the effects of reflexology.
With a background in this original idea we can add the mainlines of adhesion between superficial and deep fascia to better understand the micro fascial landscape on the feet.
One of the most profound forms in nature is the spiral.
Similarly, within our own bodies the facial web operates through intricate spiral movements.
We can support and stimulate these inherent spiral movements using spiral techniques on the feet.
The five diaphragms play a significant role in influencing the fascial web.
For instance: The two sides of the respiratory diaphragm function independently, generating a distinct pull within the fascial network.
We test and balance the five diaphragms as a fundamental technique in fascial work.
The feet (and hands) can be seen as start or end points for the fascial web.
Therefore, the way our feet make contact with the ground hugely influences the fascia of the entire body.
Fascia is rich in proprioceptors. These specialized nerve endings are sensitive to changes in tension, pressure, and position.
We all know the essential role of adequate hydration for the proper functioning of connective tissues.
It is actively participating in energy transfer across multiple levels, including biochemical, electromagnetic, and even more subtle dimensions.
When you let yourself get entangled in the web of fascial wisdom, the realms of discovery stretch endlessly before you!
Dorthe Krogsgaard & Peter Lund Frandsen
Ryesgade 27
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Tel: (+45) 2575 7047
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