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Whole Body Reflexology w/ Anna-Kaarina Lind
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About the Webinar
Whole Body Reflexology - Karl Axel Lind Method
According to the Swedish researcher and teacher Karl-Axel Lind, the body is composed of a whole range of reflex zone systems, each of which reflects the entire body.
On the importance of knowing multiple systems on the body, he said: "Different systems tell about the body in different ways."
After birth, it is mostly the front of the child that is touched, in contrast to the fetal position where the back is in constant contact with the womb.
Therefore, the back remembers "paradise" best and longs for touch.
Different reflex systems sometimes overlap, which gives a strong therapeutic potential.
For example, the knee reflex in system I coincides with the TMJ (jaw joint) reflex in system II. This creates a situation where the jaw and knee compete for the reflexive energy.
The chewing function is more important than the walking function, so the jaw joint is given the highest priority, and the results can be problems with the knees.
Anna Kaarina Lind explains:
"The connection between finger/wrist problems and menopause is explained in the Karl-Axel Lind method with the so-called "parallel reflexology."
"Imagine a standing person with their hands hanging down by their sides. Now look at the wrists and imagine a horizontal line from here towards the body. It will directly cross the pubic symphysis. This causes an energetic link that can be utilized reflexologically."
"System II is not as 'crystalline' as the foot system, meaning it's not as precise, but it is particularly effective for menopausal problems.
In system II, we find the gynecological reflex zones in the area around the popliteal. These zones can be so stressed that they affect the well-being of the knee itself, and the woman may then suffer from weak knees, swollen legs and feet, or perhaps even a Baker's cyst in the popliteal area," says Anna-Kaarina.
Look forward to meeting Anna-Kaarina!
With a background in physiotherapy and a lifelong career as a reflexologist and school principal, you will receive competent teaching at a solid professional level.
Combined with Anna-Kaarina's deep philosophical insight and contagious humor, you will have two exciting and fun webinar days, with new techniques you can immediately implement in your clinic.
Language: Anna-Kaarina speaks an excellent English.
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