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Round about: Pain
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About the Webinar
Round about: Pain
A fundamental overview of what chronic pain is and how it differs from acute pain.
A detailed review of the physiological and neurological mechanisms involved in pain perception and pain transmission.
The small multifidus muscles close to the spine are among the most frequently involved in back pain and facet joint pain.
The occipital nerves: Occipitalis major and minor, and the auricularis magnus are involved with posterior tension headaches.
Exploration of the various causes of chronic pain, including inflammatory conditions, musculoskeletal problems, and central sensitization of the nervous system.
Understanding how psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression can impact chronic pain and how to assist clients in managing these aspects.
How reflexology can be used as a method for pain relief, including specific techniques and points that can be targeted to reduce the pain experience.
- and, of course, plenty of hands-on demonstration.
Review of cases with examples of successful treatments for chronic pain.
Dorthe Krogsgaard & Peter Lund Frandsen
Ryesgade 27
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Tel: (+45) 2575 7047
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